速報APP / 攝影 / Video Map 3D Free - 3D Cities View

Video Map 3D Free - 3D Cities View



檔案大小:5.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.2 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:法文, 英語

Video Map 3D Free - 3D Cities View(圖1)-速報App

Notice: This app will ask access right to "Photos" and "Location Service". Please click on "Allow" to allow the app to retrieve the video. You can also configure the settings from Setting -> Privacy -> Photos.

The screenshots are taken from New York George Washington Bridge, San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge, New York Throgs Neck Bridge, San Francisco Municipal Railway and Long Island.

This is a free version with limited features. Purchase the Pro version for the full features

This is the problem. Every time you want to find out your video clips, most likely you will take a long time to find it and the reality is that most likely you will not find it at all. The app is designed specifically to solve your long time problem. No matter you are traveling all over the places or taking videos at the same places all the time. This app is for you:

- This app only processes video only.

- This app displays the video clips based upon locations using cluster annotations. You will be able to locate a specific location easier and faster.

- Most likely you have a lot of video clips at the same location. This app displays the photo of the video clips on the scroll view. Simply swipe left or right to find the video. Click on the "play" button to view the video.

- This app is also designed to put your video clips based upon locations with wonderful 3D Cities view all together and provide you a different kind of joyful experience. Now you can show your family and friends the videos easily, tell them everything happening around the video and the city/place views. Go ahead, ready to share your memory and tell you stories.

Video Map 3D Free - 3D Cities View(圖2)-速報App


This app is the Next Generation of Photo Map app by integrating the following technologies and data together:

- Apple MapKit Flyover 3D

- Apple MapKit features such as Traffic, Buildings, POI and 3D Model

- Cluster Annotations for supporting large amount of photos with great performance.

- Click on one location and show all the videos (support up to 60 videos) by simply scrolling through photos.

- Databases with built in locations for Cities and Places with 3D View support.

iOS App Quick Started:

Video Map 3D Free - 3D Cities View(圖3)-速報App

> Videos will be loaded when the app is launched. Zoom in/out the map and you will see the locations with a label showing how many photos. For any location with less than 60 pictures, click on the location and all the photos nearby the selected location will display and you can simply scroll left or right to see the photos.

> Click on the settings button for switching map type and other useful settings.

> To see the New York City 3D View, follow the steps below:

1. From the settings, select "Flyover" to enable 3D View

2. Select "New York City" from the right sidebar and you are ready to see 3D City View (you will need to use two-fingers gesture to change viewing angles: zoom in/out, rotate, swipe up/down)

3. You can select any other cities and places.

This app provides the following features:

- The first app to provide videos in 3D view.

Video Map 3D Free - 3D Cities View(圖4)-速報App

- One click location switch by selecting the right sidebar and click on a location to go to location with 3D View support.

Video Map 3D Free - 3D Cities View(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad